
It’s a Lung Story

Biomechanically, I am not the man I was when last I typed at this laptop. I sit before you now with only one pleura. Technically, half of me is breathing like an elephant.

To drop the epic wordage for a moment, I’ve just come back from a stay in hospital after receiving a pleurectomy, an operation which basically consists of removing the lung’s protective outer-layer and gluing your lung to your chest wall. This was sadly a necessary step after falling prey to a second collapsed lung.

So how to summarise the whole experience? I’m now short a pleura, I have 5 new scars and I partially breathe like an elephant.

Lead Balloon

So, my lung collapsed on Tuesday 22nd of June. I woke up at my usual time, stood up, sat down. Stood up, tried to stretch, sat down again. It felt like a lead ball was sitting in my chest – every time I tried to take a breath, it would send a wave of – not pain – discomfort across my upper body. I shuffled around for a while, giving… Read More »Lead Balloon

The Last Ultimatum – Part One

Here’s the first part of a short story I’ve started writing. I’ve decided to post as I go, so this is “hot off the press”, as they never say. Thanks go to Richard Paterson for the title, which I’m doing a slow but hopefully interesting riff off of. It was pitch black. Adam tried to look around, but having no head, failed miserably. Now that he thought about it, he… Read More »The Last Ultimatum – Part One

Raspberries on the Wind

Was pulling faces at a wee girl in a restaurant today. Suddenly she ducked, and I ended up blowing a raspberry across the table at her gran. Stone cold disdain on her wrinkled face.